Stached 2

Last minute update from Nena. LUCKY YOU!

Comic Storylines

Day 2

29 thoughts on “Stached 2”

  1. this would have been pretty funny and everything, but i don’t think there was any need for the word used in that 4th panel. its offensive and disgusting and i honestly expected better from this comic.

    1. I didn’t write this and it’s not part of the actual comic. It’s Nena giving you guys a parody update while I go through some shit but okay fine let’s do this.

      It’s not being used as a slur. It’s a descriptor between two fictional gay men written in jest by a lesbian based on a comic written by another lesbian. I hope you don’t get offended if someone uses “asshole” or “dick” to describe their body parts, that would be really stressful. I’m only speaking for myself but if someone walking down the street yells faggot at me that’s not okay because their intentions behind the word makes it hostile and derogatory. If someone I know of any sexuality or gender calls me a faggot merely because I’m super gay, that’s cool with me. It reclaims the word and makes it lose some of its negative power.

      If you think this is something to be morally outraged about – that using a word with a history of malice rooted in intolerance to simply describe the very thing it’s intended to disparage (a homosexual person) in a stupid comic – that’s your right. I’m sorry it upset you and I’m sure that wasn’t her goal.

    2. it’s like your first time on the internet or something

      and you’re looking at gaybois doin it

      while I admire your priorities, I’ll have to encourage you to abandon those silly morals if you wish to expand your porn folder

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