11 thoughts on “Day 2, Page 23”

  1. I can’t decide if the look the boys are giving Natalya in the last panel is pleading or murder. I also can’t decide if Silvain is disappointed that he isn’t getting any(which is a surprise given how straight-laced he has acted to this point) or pissed at the dirty trick. No matter how it goes, I’m eager for the next page! Marvelous work, Alice!

  2. Good to know Brent is the ideal probation officer, even when it comes to his sister. No wonder Mace is so protective of him… and Camilla! Love his unofficial older brother declaration… even though he abandoned his responsibilities the second LSD got involved. Sneaky, Natalya. Very sneaky.

  3. they’re looking at her like that because if there eyedropper is empty, that most likely means she’s used it all.

    remember, she’s crazy. that’s a crazy thing to do.

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