26 thoughts on “Day 2, Page 14”

  1. Every time I glance at that last panel I imagine Mace just slumping to the side to rest his head on Silvain’s shoulder. It makes sense, but it doesn’t, and my brain is kind of supplying the image without asking me.

    And it’s a pretty cute image.

  2. Can someone help me with something Mace says on this page? I don’t understand the context of his saying “You can pour sugar over the sugar.” I haven’t heard that before.

  3. I’m tempted to camp but I never actually know when you upload. Also, Alice, I love the texturing you made in Mace’s hair with shading alone. I never really noticed how awesome it looks, but amazing work.

  4. Hahaha that bird sure is bitchy. PEASANT. MY PEOPLE NEED ME. Psh I think your people don’t want to be eaten by you, but that seems unlikely!
    Mace is just the cutest. Sugar baby! XD :3

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